wa… rase lame x update entry nie..
raye da dekat.. tp cikali dok demam nie..
Penang da satu arie dok ujan…
cikali dok demam lagi nie..
tak kebah2 g.. huhu..
topiknyer.. bnyak org ckp.. watpe antar kad raya.. kan ad email.. SMS bla.. bla..
to those said ITS A LAME TO HAVE KAD RAYA..
try dis..
Im offering U..
1 – software with application of Ipad.. were u can have all the apps..
2 – instead i giv U the real Ipad for free…
Ur choice is ???
hahaha… tau tak pe..
its not about the card matter..
its more to.. this festive we shared..
kad raye paling awal d terima.. dari kak ayu.. hehe
kawan sek rendah.. terkejut jugak.. dier masih ingt alamat hehe.. sory bro..
Pakcu Sofi ngan korek idong nya… 
from… my bestfrenz.. 
last one… fromm….
hotfm…!!!! hahaha.. x sangka dapat.. thks.. AMkrew..
koleksi.. hehe..
oppss… silap card… 
wahhhhhhhhh retissssssssss ! untung laa ~ ;p
ishh.. mana da.. besa2 ja..
waaahhhhh.. bestnya..
hotfm tuu
cikali mmg mesra sahabat..
cik pulau : hehe.. rezeki.. ingt tk dpt..
kak ayu : ya ka ? pemalu kot...
x terlmbt lagi nak wish
camata ari ayeee
sempat lg kann..
hehe.. last syawal plak tu..
camat arie raya..
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